Invest as a student - But where ??? 🤔 | my experience | splendzer

learn about investing in stock market


As a student, you're constantly learning, absorbing information from textbooks and lectures. But what if I told you that some of the most valuable lessons in life come not from books but from experience? As Albert Einstein wisely said, "Learning is experience, everything else is just information." This quote perfectly encapsulates the essence of investing, especially for students like us who are eager to dip our toes into the world of finance.

My Investing Adventure Begins:

In my school days (covid -lockdown), I had an interesting experience with investing. When I was in 10th grade, I decided to dip my toes into the world of investing. I created a demat account under my father's name and excitedly invested 500 Rupees in three stocks of Aditya Birla's subsidiary company.

As a beginner, I kept a close eye on the stock prices throughout the day, feeling the excitement of seeing them fluctuate. However, after a week, I decided to sell the stocks. Can you guess how much profit I made? Just one rupee! Yes, you heard it right, a mere one rupee profit.

Learning from the Experience:

From this experience, I learned a valuable lesson: for a student like me, it might be wiser to invest my time and money in upskilling rather than getting caught up in the unpredictable world of stocks, mutual funds, or bonds.

invest into the stock market

Instead of being preoccupied with the stock market's ups and downs, I decided to focus on enhancing my skills and knowledge. By investing in my education, I could develop myself for the future, which would potentially bring more significant rewards than the volatile world of investments.

So, the moral of my investing story is that as a student, it's crucial to weigh our priorities carefully. While investing can be enticing, dedicating time and effort to learning and self-improvement may be a more secure and rewarding path. By investing in ourselves, we build a solid foundation for our future success and financial well-being.

The Example of Shiva and Sam:

Let's consider the example of two college students, Shiva and Sam, who both work part-time to earn some money.

Shiva decides to invest all the money earned from their part-time job into stocks without much knowledge about the stock market. They randomly pick a few companies and invest all their earnings in those stocks.

On the other hand, Sam takes a different approach. They allocate a portion of their earnings to learning new skills and upskilling. Sam uses some of the money to enroll in an online course that teaches digital marketing skills, which align with their interests and career goals.

Over the course of a few months, both Shiva and Sam continue with their respective strateges. Shiva occasionally checks the stock market, feeling anxious about the fluctuations in their investments. However, without proper research and understanding, they end up making some poor investment decisions, resulting in a loss of their hard-earned money.

On the other hand, Sam diligently focuses on learning and implementing their newly acquired digital marketing skills. With time, they start using their knowledge to freelance and take on small projects. As their skills improve, they attract more clients and start earning a steady income from their freelance work.

In this example, we can see the difference in outcomes between the two students. Shiva's decision to invest without adequate knowledge and skills led to financial losses and added stress. On the other hand, Sam's investment in upskilling and education paid off in the form of a growing source of income from freelance work.

This example justifies the importance of prioritizing upskilling and education, especially for students. While investing can be enticing, it's essential to focus on acquiring valuable skills and knowledge that can lead to better opportunities and financial stability in the long run.

By investing in themselves, students like Sam can build a strong foundation for their future, ensuring a more secure and prosperous financial journey. Once they have a stable income and a better understanding of the financial markets, they can consider making informed and responsible investment decisions.

Learning and Upskilling - The Real Investment:

This example illustrates the essence of experiential learning. Sam's investment in upskilling and education paid off in the form of a growing source of income from freelance work. In contrast, Shiva's decision to invest without adequate knowledge and skills led to financial losses and added stress.

The Importance of Financial Knowledge:

In our schools, we rarely learn about personal finance or investing. Yet, this knowledge is crucial for making smart financial decisions in life. We must take the initiative to educate ourselves about budgeting, investing, and managing money wisely. Understanding the ins and outs of finance will empower us to make informed choices.

Building a Strong Foundation:

Think of it this way - investing in upskilling is like constructing a solid building. With every new skill we acquire, we add another layer to this structure. Eventually, this strong foundation will support us in achieving our goals and dreams.

stock market for students


Albert Einstein's quote perfectly reminds us that learning is not just about passively collecting information. For students, it means engaging in experiences, especially when it comes to investing. Instead of diving headfirst into the stock market, let's invest in ourselves, our education, and our skills. By doing so, we build a solid foundation for a bright and prosperous future. So, let's embark on this journey of learning, upskilling, and making informed financial choices - the true path to financial wisdom!

**Note: Sharing My Investment Experience - No Pressure, Just Sharing**

I just wanted to share my personal experience with investing in stocks and cryptocurrencies during my time as a student. Please know that I'm not trying to force or influence anyone to follow the same path.

Investing has been a significant learning journey for me, filled with ups and downs. I made some gains, experienced some losses, and learned valuable lessons along the way. But what works for me might not be the right approach for others.

Every individual has unique financial goals, risk tolerance, and circumstances. It's essential to consider your own situation and do thorough research before making any investment decisions.

I believe in the importance of financial education and upskilling, especially for students like us. By investing in ourselves and enhancing our skills, we can create a strong foundation for our future success.

Remember, my experience is just one story among many. Take it as a tale of learning rather than a blueprint to follow. Always seek advice from qualified financial professionals, do your own due diligence, and make decisions that align with your personal objectives.

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