Apply for ts polycet 2021 using your smartphone | ts Polycet | Splendzer

Ts polycet notification had been released and applications are online. So here are the steps to apply for ts polycet using your smart phone.

Steps to apply for ts polycet using your smart phone 

    1. Click on the button given below named "apply for ts polycet"

2. Now you will be redirected to polycet official website. Which look likes the image below

Polycet home page

3. Click on the sidebar located at top right side.
Side bar

4. On clicking the sidebar a drop-down menu will be shown.  Now click on file application 

File application

5.  A new page appears on your screen. Looks like the image below. Now fill the given fields like Tenth exam board, Tenth hall ticket number, Date of birth, year of passing, Adhar card number. which are mandatory and fields like  Meeseva EWS certificate number, Meeseva Income Application number and Meeseva Caste certificate number which are optional. After filling the required fields tap on  "show application" button.

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 Note: After clicking save application if you're entered hall ticket number and date of birth are valid, you will be redirected to application page. If they are not valid an error will be shown.

6. In application page your photo and signature will be shown which you have given for ssc hall ticket. And fields like name, father's ne and mother's name were auto filled by the source of your SSC hall ticket.  After filling the all required fields tap on save button. On click fee payment page will open


7. Now you have to click on any one payment gateway  Bill desk or T wallet. And you have to pay the application fee of ₹400 using Debit card, credit card, upi and some other payment options.


    After completing the payment if  payment were successful your hall ticket will be shown on a new page. You have to download the hall ticket.

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