FRESHMAN FAQS of Sreenidhi college of Engineering - SNIST


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Are you an incoming freshman with questions about college life, classes, or campus activities? Don't worry, we've got you covered! 


    1. When does college commence for us? 
    • Possibly on the 4th.

        2. Does ragging occur in the hostel? 
        • Yes, but it's more of a friendly initiation than aggressive. It helps in establishing connections with seniors.

            3. How is sports time allocated in the college? 
            • There isn't a specific time dedicated to it. If you have a genuine interest, you can join a sports club.

                4. I don't know Telugu; will it be a significant issue for me? 
                • No, English is widely spoken, encouraging everyone to communicate in English.

                    5. Is there a gym facility available in the college?
                    •  Unfortunately, no. It's one of the drawbacks.

                        6. What is the difficulty level of the examinations, and how are they graded?
                        •  Exams are relatively easy, even for average students.

                            7. Can you recommend good hostels near our college, and could you provide information about the college hostel? 
                            • Please research and choose based on your preferences. Ajay Reddy and Dhruv Narayana are options to consider.

                                8. Should we bring a laptop from day one? 
                                • While not mandatory, having one can be beneficial.

                                    9. Is it compulsory to join a club?
                                    •  No, it is optional.

                                        10. Can we stay on campus for sports and other activities after college hours? 
                                        • Yes, until 6 o'clock.

                                            11. Will the ongoing protests in college affect our studies? 
                                            • No, the institute is not connected with the protests in any way.

                                                12. What is the attendance policy, and can we use proxies? 
                                                • It varies based on the friends you make.

                                                    13. Is a laptop needed for the first year? 
                                                    • It's not mandatory.

                                                        14. Will participating in clubs affect our attendance?
                                                        •  No, participation certificates can be added to your attendance.

                                                            15. Should we bring a laptop from day one? 
                                                            • While not mandatory, having one can be beneficial.

                                                                16. I am an L.E. student; is it challenging to make friends?
                                                                •  It depends on your interactions with people, but it shouldn't be difficult.

                                                                    17. When will we receive our uniforms? 
                                                                    • After joining.

                                                                        18. Can you tell me about the dance club and how students are selected? 
                                                                        • The club usually conducts an open session where interested individuals can sign up. Later, an audition is held for selection.

                                                                            19. Will the books obtained through "book lending" be in good condition? 
                                                                            • Yes, they are generally well-maintained. However, in the first year, PPTs shared by professors are more commonly used.

                                                                                20. How many fests are held in a year? 
                                                                                • A minimum of four.

                                                                                    21. Please elaborate on the flexibility in the library. 
                                                                                    • The library is accessible at any time.

                                                                                        22. Are the AIML teachers professionals or regular faculty? 
                                                                                        • They are regular faculty.

                                                                                            23. How many students have received packages of 10 LPA or more in our college? 
                                                                                            • A significant number.

                                                                                                24. What is the dress code?
                                                                                                •  There are four uniform sets provided, including T-shirts (ash and orange) and tops (pink and purple for boys).

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