How to view the list of Affiliate Collages in your Region in Telangana | Splendzer

 There are so many colleges in your Region but selecting one of them for admissions is little harder so getting admission into a Affiliate College is better. But searching for Affiliate Colleges is harder. That's why here we have an answer for you  to find Affiliate Colleges in your region. 


Step by Step process to know list of Affiliate Colleges in your region.

1. Visit the official webpage of telangana state Board of Intermediate Education by clicking "click here" given below.

                             Click here!

2By clicking the above link you will be redirected to the Website which look likes the image below 


3. And now you have to select the district  at which district you want to see the list of Affiliate Colleges .Now  click on the Mandal and a drop-down menu appears with the list of mandals in the selected district and you have to select the mandal at where you wish to find Affiliate collages and now you have to select Management type, Academic year(in which year you want to get admission into the college) and also you have to select the stream. After filling the all given fields you have to click submit button.


After tapping submit button the list of Affiliate Colleges will be shown. If there are no Affiliate Colleges available in your region then it shows a note :"No collages available with selected combination".


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